HLBSL 1010 -10 NLG 1317 2 PPL 461 -2.5 MND84/85 1030 2 MEHL 380.1 -19.9 HIDCLP 183 -2 SHEL 242.9 -4.7 NLIC 814 -13.4 JOSHI 305 -6.8 GFCL 1051.1 6 UAIL 639 -1 SAPDBL 569.6 -7.4 GRDBL 743 5 PRIN 968 4 LBBL 475 -4.8 NICD83/84 1062 -19 ILBS 980 -21.5 NBLD85 1025 0 MHNL 265.5 -0.5 KPCL 493 -0.8 NTC 980.1 -2.4 TVCL 461 1 MHL 725 3.5 HIDCL 270.7 -4.1 VLBS 902.5 -7.5 MCHL 488.3 -3.7 C30MF 9.74 0 NABIL 594 3 GIBF1 9.69 0.1 BOKD86 1040 18 MBLD2085 1085 6.5 BGWT 934.9 -21.1 TSHL 909 -11 SAGF 9.31 0.01 MFIL 768 48 UMHL 308 -4 PHCL 465.1 -9.9 MLBL 398 -6.9 SPC 520 5 GMFIL 623 1

How are right shares adjusted?

Every time a listed company offers Bonus and Right Shares, the share price is adjusted by the Nepal Stock Exchange to reflect the addition of shares due to bonus/right issuance. Such, prices are adjusted immediately after the book closure dates. Here is the formula to calculate the adjusted price: The market price in the below formula is the last transaction price (LTP) of a scrip just before the book closure date.

Right Share Adjusted Price =Market Price_+ (Subscription Price per unit x right %). 1 + Right %
For example, Century Commercial Bank Limited had offered 25% right share at the subscription price of Rs 100/ unit. The Last Trading Price (LTP) before the book closure was Rs 390/unit. Now the adjusted price after the right issue will be: Adjusted Price = 390 _+ (100 X 0.25) = 390+25 = 415 . 1 + 0.25 1.25 1.25 Adjusted Price = Rs 332 / unit

Why do companies issue right shares?

Why Issue a Rights Offering? Companies most commonly issue a rights offering to raise additional capital. A company may need extra capital to meet its current financial obligations. Troubled companies typically use rights issues to pay down debt, especially when they are unable to borrow more money.
